Thursday 24 April 2014

Day 20: My National Conference Exploits....

Yesterday (23rd April 2014), deliberations continued from the previous session we had.

We again tossed around the thematic areas from where we stopped and the need to work hard to see to the success of the committee work and implementation.

We all agreed that most of these issues all boils down to poverty and poor living standards of Nigerians to be nearly sufficient enough to cause deforestation, illegal mining, bush burning and the best alternative available to them is to use nature to make money but in turn harming the nature. So, while protecting the environment, we have to also look at creating employment for the locals to sustain nature.

The need to use technological advances and new innovations were also recommended.

We also have resolved to inviting a few professionals to come and deliver a paper to the committee which will help in mapping out our final report. Though we have a Professor of Environmental studies and some environmental experts amongst us.

After general deliberations, we splitted to sub groups so that each group will take on at least 5 Topic in the thematic area. And we have 4 persons in each group.

In the rules, the Chair and deputy's  responsibility is to oversee the affairs of the committee and it's members but I told my Chair that I must join one of the sub committees because I can't achieve anything by being an overseer... Well, she had to agree.

I volunteered to be the secretary of the group and now like the resource person. It's hectic but we would get there.

We have made progress and things are falling into place. To beat time now, we have to work all days and most nights and also use our weekends. After all, there's always a price to pay for saying "Yes, I do"

 And I promised to bring you reports from the other committees right? 

All the committees seem to be calm but one... Which you may ask right?

The committee on devolution of power, I heard some of the members have been devolving insults amongst them selves. Even the French words and the flip fingers have been used, all in a bid to make our Nation better! (Power, is usually a thug of war)

Off track: My heart still with the abducted Chibok school girls. Wish they are safely reunited with their families and loved ones.

On Twitter: @Yadomah

1 comment:

  1. If Profs were profs...
    If you can, find past reports to assess/review and build on as well.
